Reflective Educational Research

Action Research in Schools (ARIS)

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When communities invest in technology for school, stakeholders want to know how it’s making an impact. Gathering data for self-reflection and action learning can help schools determine areas for future development, where to celebrate success, and help to inform new decisions along the way. Using data to inform decisions builds confidence in new practices, promotes reflective culture, and provides an evidenced-based perspective to better support a vision for technology and learning and the evolution of teaching and learning in your school.

In this multi-phase leadership support program, local teams from K-12 schools will be provided a unique opportunity to investigate an area of technology integration in learning at their school, collaborate with other schools, and to collect, analyze, and share results of their own investigation.

Phase 1 - Action Research: Snapshot Series

In this Phase 1 Action Research Snapshot Series, school teams are invited to participate in a unique professional learning experience over two professional learning sessions while their teachers participate in school-wide survey. The sessions will illuminate new opportunities and best practices for leveraging research and reflection in international schools while each participating school gets state-of-the-art, data-dashboard tools to explore their own school survey results.

Session 1: Introduction to Action Research for Reflection and Culture

In this introductory session, school teams will learn about Action Research in schools, get ideas for framing research and reflection, and preparations for collecting their teacher survey before Session 2.

Session 2: Introduction to Data Dashboards and Interpreting Your School Data

In our second session, schools will receive access to their ARIS teacher survey results and work with customized data dashboards to foster reflection and ideas for action research.

Phase 2 - Action Research: Deep Dive and Data Stories Series

Following Phase 1, school teams will be invited to continue their research journey by developing their own unique, action research study. With the 1-1 support over six professional learning sessions, school teams will develop, conduct, and share their own findings over Spring 2023 culminating in a public showcase and celebration of completed research studies.

Please note a minimum of 10-12 hours time commitment is expected for each school in Phase 2 to design, conduct, and publicly share their action research study.

With 1-1 support and six learning sessions (via Zoom) each school team will be provided the theory, resources, and best practices to more effectively leverage data and research in the context of their own educational objectives, and setting. Through curated data collection activities and resulting data tools and dashboards, school teams will actively use their own results to explore data-driven decision making, document and replicate best practices, and empirically determine if and how each school's unique program goals are being met.
